Benguli Food Menu

Bengali Food Menu | We cooked Tasty and healthy home made food from our home kitchen. It is veg and non item. Order your food Call 9831993904

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Veg Menu

Rice, Mugh Dal , Alu fry , Alu Paneer/ chatni , papor Salad Rs 120

Speacial Veg Menu

Rice, Mugh Dal , Alu Fry , Alu Paneer, Patol posto chatni , papor Doi , salad Rs 160

Rice, Veg Mugh Dal , Beguni , Fulgopi roast, Alu Matar Paneer, chatni , papor Doi , salad Rs 190 Per plate.

fried rice, chili paneer salad- 220 Mixed fried rice, chili chicken salad- 350 Per Plate.

Non Veg Menu

1- Rice, Moog Dal, Alu fry / Brinjal fry, chicken Cury chatni , papor 160

2 – Rice, Moog Dal , Beguni , Alu fry / Potol fry, Mutton Cury chatni , papor Rs 350

3 – Rice, Moog Dal Bhaja, Fish curry, Chatni Papor Rs Rs 120

4 – Rice, Moog Dal Bhaja, Fish Kalia chicken curry, Chatni Papor Rs 200

5 – Rice, Moog Dal , Bhaja, Egg curry, Chatni Papor Rs 100

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